Monday, June 14, 2010

What are community concerns?

I received an e-mail from a neighbor that they had found a lost and possibly injured cat, and asked if I would put a notice on this blog.

As you can tell from the postings to date, I have been writing about the actions of our very large neighbors - UAlbany and and the Harriman Office Campus.  The effects of their actions directly affect the quiet enjoyment of our homes and neighborhood.  Describing their actions has also been important, because UAlbany and the Harriman take years in doing anything.  It is difficult to keep track of where we stand, and what we can do at an appropriate time.  That was my intent for this blog.

The problem is that the message conveyed by making some postings is that you only hear about the big issues - issues that do not quickly go away and where the gains are ambiguous.  I may be able to help in this situation.  But, we shouldn't defined just by our opposition to the University, but how we care for each other.

So, as small as it seems, here is a notice about a lost cat.  It is a concern for a neighbor, and it's a concern for me as a cat owner.  If you have any concerns about everyday life in our part of Albany, pass them on.  Let me hear about what is important to you.

Steve Sokal

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